efficiency of the application of surface enhanced Raman
spectroscopy(SERS)technique to each specified purpose significantly depends on
the choice of the SERS substrate with an appropriate structure as well as on
its performance.
the present time a rich variety of SERS substrates was fabricated.
can be classified according to their structures.
present work is a review of main types of SERS substrates for using in the
trace analysis application.
can be classified into 4 groups:
using gold nanoparticles(AuNPs)with spherical shape such as colloidal AuNPs,
AuNPs fabricated by pulsed laser deposition, by sputtering or by capillary
force assembly(CFA), substrates fabricated by electrospinning technique,
substrates using metallic nanoparticle arrays fabricated by electron beam
lithography combined with CFA method, substrates using silver
nanoparticle(AgNP) arrays grain by chemical seeded method, substrates with
tunable surface plasmon resonance, substrates based on precies subnanometer
plasmonic junctions within AuNP assemblies, substrates fabricated by
simultaneously immobilizing both AuNPs and AgNPs on the same glass sides etc.
Substrates using nanostructures with non-spherical shapes such as gold
nanowire(NW), or highly anisotropic nickel NW together with large area,
free-standing carpets, substrates with obviously angular, quasi-vertically
aligned cuboid-shaped TiO2NW arrays decorated with AgNPs, substrates using gold
nanoprism monolayerfilms, substrates using silver nanocube dimmers or
monodisperse close-packed gold nanotriangle monolayers.
Substrates using multiparticle complex nanostructure such as nanoparticle
cluster arrays, gold nanoflowers and nanodendrites.
Flexible substrate such as paper-based swab with gold nanorods, adhesive
polymer tapes fabricated by inkjet printing method and flexible and adhesive
SERS tapes fabricated by decorating AuNPs via the conventional drop-dry method.
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